The Colorado Department of Human Services is apparently concerned that there is not enough racial diversity among the dolls in daycares. A ninety-eight page document contains many proposed regulations in Colorado like requiring the daycare to obtain a note from a doctor to give a child whole milk. Even more ridiculous, the Colorado Department of Human Services wants daycares to have dolls that represent three races.
There is nothing wrong with dolls that represent different races. In fact, it is probably a good thing for children to see racial diversity among toys. The problem here is that the government of Colorado wants to demand private businesses purchase dolls of different ethnicities. How can these government officials possibly have time to worry about such petty things? This sort of decision be up to the privately owned daycare and the parents.
If you are living in Colorado and you are wondering why your taxes are so high, it is partly because you are paying a bunch of government officials to sit around a table a discuss racial quotas for dolls. Think about that next you pay your taxes.
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