July 21, 2011

Massachusetts Wants to Scan and Track License Plates

Massachusetts has plans to assemble a statewide database that will store records from automatic license plate recognition devices in the state. Automatic license plate recognition devices can be installed virtually anywhere, but they are commonly mounted on patrol cars. These devices rapidly scan and capture license plate numbers of the vehicles within their proximity. The license plate numbers automatically get processed through a database of numbers associated with violations. For example, if a fugitive's license plate number is in the database, and an automatic license plate recognition device scans that plate number, a police officer will be alerted to the presence of the fugitive's vehicle.

This system has a very creepy Big Brother vibe to it, and it creates huge opportunities for abuse. Massachusetts, however, is taking things to the next level. Massachusetts wants to store the data collected by the automatic license plate recognition devices in a big database that the multiple agencies can access. This database would allow the state of Massachusetts to keep virtual tabs on anyone who owns a vehicle and happens to ever get within the proximity of a automatic license plate recognition device. This system amounts to tracking, and innocent citizens who are not suspected of any crime should not be tracked under any circumstances.

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