June 10, 2011

With No Other Concerns in America, Senators Target Lip-Synchers

We have wars going on in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya. The housing market is in shambles. Gas prices are soaring. Unemployment is breaking records.

You would think The United States Senators would be occupied fixing these problems, but, apparently, Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D) of Minnesota, Sen. John Cornyn (R) of Texas and Sen. Christopher Coons (D) of Delaware have decided to address more pressing concerns. They are pushing Senate Bill 978, which targets people who lip-synch to copyrighted works and publish the videos online. Violators can go to prison for up to five years.

What is wrong with the priorities of our Senators? With all of the problems going on in America right now, how do they possibly have enough time to worry about people lip-synching on the Internet?

If you live in Minnesota, Texas, or Delaware, maybe you should reach out to Sen. Amy Klobuchar, Sen. John Cornyn, or Sen. Christopher Coons and make them aware of the more serious problems we are facing as a nation.

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