April 14, 2011

TSA Conducts Pat-Down on Boy Going to Disneyland

TSA Pat-Down of Small Boy

Heather Sheahan is upset about how the TSA went too far with a pat-down of her eight-year-old son in the Portland Airport on their way to Disneyland. She specifically did not like the way the male TSA agent ran his hands up the insides of the boys thighs and up close to the little boy's genitals. You can learn more about the incident in this video.


Anonymous said...

You people make me sick! When the government stops caring for the safety of our people, you complain!!! Cry in terror when all hell breaks loose, and here's an individual working at helping us be safe and you attack him? You don't like how he patted his thighs? WTF! Wait till they stop the screenings and see just how safe we are in the sky and land.

Editor said...

Dear Anonymous,

So is your point that anything is fine as long it makes us safer? Giving anal exams and vaginal exams to air passengers might make us a little safer from internally concealed bombs. Do you support that? Where does it end with you?

We might all be safer if the FBI conducted random searches of people's homes to look for contraband. If it makes us a little safer, should we do that?

Strip-searching subway passengers might make us a little safer. Do you support that?

Passive, scared sheep like you are the reason America is in so much trouble. If you wimps would grow a pair and toughen up, maybe the terrorists would not feel so comfortable threatening us. Frightened sissies like you are showing the terrorists they won on 9/11. When you continue to show such fear and weakness, you only provoke them further. People like you, who will gladly surrender your freedom at the first sign of danger have become more of a threat to the American way of life than the terrorists themselves.

Ben Franklin said it best: "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."

Anonymous said...

That's your opinion! Cause a little pat down in plain view is too much for you that going into homes is not worst! Lol whatever. Let's get rid of TSA and see what happens. Get your facts straight! There was no cavity search on this child! So idk where you go off saying that's ok because its not. If you cannot abide by the rules of security when flying, then you should find another way to travel! You mean to say that it's ok to let children go through a secured in environment without making sure everyone is safe? You're an idiot! So take all the metal detectors out of schools that are prone to violence cause children aren't bringing weapons to school. And they don't need seat belts when riding cars cause they won't get hurt! You obviously have a naive mind to think that children in these random acts or terrorims are not able to cause danger to anyone. It doesn't matter if the person is 8 or 80! If they want to go on a plane and there are other people that's lives are at the mercy of the safety of the plane, security for prevention and preparedness of the crew! Children brought up in violence such as terroristic behavior, and a culture that rewards these actions have no problem submitting to these things. We since invasion of privacy is ok randomly at your home ( that's your answer to fight against this) versus people that travel on an airplane that could easily be used as a weapon. You're one to talk about sissy's! At least people like the tsa, military and law enforcement our out fighting for your freedom unfortunately that leads to people like you who sit yourself down behind a computer, thinking I can say what I want and complain cause I can and I have no merit to what I say cause I don't want to get hurt. We shall see what happens now with society, because people like regulations need to be adjusted enough to mak you happy as well as be flexible enough for terrorist to sneak through. We shall see what happens when innocent peoples lives are at the mercy of idiots like you! When shit hits the roof and all these people are doing is waiting for when things and people like you complain... Then I wouldn't be here telling you I told you and "sissy" comments I told you so! Because unfortunately I will be fighting for the rights and freedom of people that appreciate what we do. Only in America do people fight each other thinking it's for the same cause, but one is right and the other is complaining because they got embarrassed because they searched you, and you thought you were special cause "oh no one knows that if you have metal you beep, if you beep then they have a right to make sure its ok! Oh, no one thinks airlines don't randomly select people either, choose people to put on "no fly list" and if you don't like being searched then don't wear metal or don't fly!" the mother of this boy used to be a security? She's the one at fault! She knew the regulations, why did she let him wear that? Ignorance is not an excuse and it's should be a sin to pon it off to others. Thank you and her for posting these on the Internet for all to see! Showing information on the procedures of security invade terrorist need research:) I hope since you called me sissy, that you accounted for all those years I spent away in war facing death to give you life! Thank you for your freaken appreciation! Don't worry, many military people would live to come home and hide behind computers too! And when that day comes... You can fight for yourself!

Curtis jaye said...

Whoa! Good one Anonymous! I agree! If you cant follow rules and regs then don't bother! Like driving, you don't follow the laws you get patted down and a ticket. It's for the safety of people on the road. Haha going to forward this blogger to everyone in class and discuss it. Freedom is only given to those that follow the laws of the land. I guess this blogger has not experience loss but his pride. I think his/she is reflecting and showing hate. Shame! Hate on people that protect and serve! That's right y'all! I wonder what would happen if the people that protect us stopped? Got to protect ourselves! Problems with authority! Lol why don't you write about people that have been proven to hurt others? Criminals? Instead of people that protect us from them! I think they should take all y'all that feel that way and put you all in one state! Let's see if yall survive, and or have the best answer to life! Great experiment! Great thesis!

Fermina weston said...

Lmao Curtis!

I read the article! The mum was worried about her sons "feeling like he's a bad guy" instead teaching her son that it's because good guys like him we're going to be safe to Disneyland, she's teaching him to question authority! Good luck to him in the future!

Idk why a daughter of a cop is like that. I think people that give crap to the airlines and TSA should be placed on a no fly list. You can't stand the heat then get out! Drive there then! No one will pat anyone down! Well, that if they run a red light or something and get pulled over only to complain about being stopped because they are "great people" and great people don't do stupid things! Oh yes! Your little boy is perfect! He doesn't need screening cause an 8 year old is worried about being checked and getting accustomed to what is necessary for all the live in a safe world! Bahhhhah! My son who's 7 even said, mum, that boys funny! They were just checking to make sure he's safe! What kind of example are you all setting for our children!

Susan jones said...

I went through screening with my 6 yes old and they frisked her! I was proud of her, she knew what to do! It was with me present and they explained it to her too!

This mom is showing a poor example! I wonder if her father a former law enforcement official, told her she was right about not taking a breathalyzer if she was thought to be drinking would that lead to a model citizen? Tsk tsk!

Editor said...

Dear Anonymous at 4/15/2011 5:17 PM, why did you also post comments under Curtis Jaye, Fermina Weston, Susan Jones? You clearly think posting multiple psychotic ramblings under different names is going to fool people, but it really hurts your credibility. What hurts your credibility most, however, are your incoherent and poorly supported arguments.

Essentially, you seem to think surrendering freedom for the hope of security is fine. Maybe you should go live someplace where security is a way of life and freedom is just a convenience the government awards people when all of the dangers appear to be gone.

America was not founded on security. America was founded on the desire for liberty. If you and your other personalities hate your liberty and the liberty of others so much, please just leave. Move to someplace like China or North Korea where you can be under constant security. In a place like that, you are always safe from those scary terrorists that must be making you wet your pants every time you see one on TV. In the fully secure society of your dreams, the only thing you have to worry about is angering a government employee. (By the way, those places have tons of government employees.) Go to whatever place you want and surrender as much of your freedom as you wish, but do not stay here and insist other people's little children get molested by total strangers at the airport just so timid, cowering people like you can feel a little safer.