May 24, 2011

Department of Homeland Security Seizes More Domains

As part of the ongoing program, "Operation in Our Sites," the wildly out-of-control Department of Homeland Security has seized more domains it has decided are facilitating copyright and trademark infringement. Keep in mind these companies were not found guilty of anything in a court of law. The DHS just decided the businesses were doing something wrong, and they seized the domains.

Imagine if you owned a business and the DHS just decided to take your domain without even allowing you a chance to defend your business in court. You could go bankrupt before you could get the problem corrected.

By the way, do you remember when the Department of Homeland Security was supposed to be protecting us from terrorists? At what point did counterfeit merchandise and pirated movies become a threat to national security? Would the DHS not be serving us better if they would use their resources to control the borders and watch terrorist groups?

Here are the latest domains seized by the DHS. Certainly, there will be more.

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